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You can check out the whitelisting DeFi protocol here:

Liquidity Provision on Orca

Orca leverages a Concentrated Liquidity Automated Market Maker (CLAMM) to maximize capital efficiency and boost returns for liquidity providers. This model enables liquidity to be allocated within specific price ranges, allowing providers to earn more yield compared to traditional AMMs.

By providing liquidity to Orca pools, liquidity providers collect fees from token swaps within those pools. For example, depositing wfragSOL and JitoSOL or wfragJTO and JTO into respective pools ensures that every trade between these assets generates fees, which are proportionally distributed among liquidity providers.

Automated Liquidity Vaults on Kamino

Kamino's liquidity vaults are an automated liquidity solution that allows users to earn yield on their crypto assets by providing liquidity to concentrated liquidity market makers (CLMMs).

The vault deploys liquidity into the wfragSOL-JitoSOL, wfragJTO-JTO pools on Orca. When you deposit wfragSOL or wfragJTO, you'll continue to earn the fragAsset based yield while also earning fees from trading volume.

Whitelisting protocols

Creating pools and vaults in DeFi is permissionless, but Fragmetric's initial whitelist includes only Orca and Kamino, with F Points rewards exclusive to these platforms. As liquidity deepens and stabilizes, the whitelist will expand.